Workshop – The Radical Right in Europe: Reactions, Adaptations and Political Strategies in the Context of the war in Ukraine
Dans le cadre du séminaire Espaces baltiques (CREE) et du projet Campus-France PARROT, le Centre de Recherches Europes-Eurasie-CREE (Inalco) a le plaisir de vous convier à la journée d’étude (en anglais) intitulée “The Radical Right in Europe: Reactions, Adaptations and Political Strategies in the Context of the war in Ukraine”.
Dates : Vendredi 8 décembre 2023 – 10:00 – 18:00
Lieu : Inalco – Maison de la Recherche – Auditorium Dumézil (2, rue de Lille – Paris 7ème)
Modalités : Présentiel
Entrée libre (dans la limite des places disponibles)
Une pièce d’identité sera obligatoire pour rentrer dans l’établissement
The Russian Federation’s brutal attack on Ukraine in February 2022 caused a seismic shift in European and global politics. While much of the ongoing debate, discussion and policy activity since the outbreak of the war has focused on international relations and security issues, the multiple effects and implications of the war on the domestic politics of European countries have received much less attention. This workshop seeks to help fill this gap by focusing on the strategies, positions and discourses of Radical Right actors in Europe in the context of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Through the case studies of several Radical right European parties, the presentations in this workshop will analyze the evolution of these political actor’s positions, discourses or electoral strategies on Russia, Ukraine and more globally on European security since the war. They will as well observe how has Russia’s war on Ukraine and its effects, including the refugee crisis and rising prices, affected the electoral prospects of the Radical right in various national context.
– 10h00-10h30 : Opening & Introduction : Katerina KESA (Inalco/CREE)
– 10h30-12h30 : PANEL 1 – Nordic Shadows: Exploring the Far Right’s Response to the Ukrainian Conflict
Discussant : Yohann AUCANTE (EHESS/CESPRA)
Piret EHIN (University of Tartu/Johann Skytte Institute) – “Estonian Radical Right and the War in Ukraine: Resisting the Revival of Post-Soviet Cleavages”
Pēteris F. TIMOFEJEVS (Umeå University/Department of Political Science) – “Continuities and discontinuities: Foreign policy positions of Sweden Democrats, 2022-2023”
Frédérique HARRY (Sorbonne Université/REIGENN) “International challenges and identity politics: the case of the Norwegian FrP”
12h30-14h00 : Déjeuner
– 14h00-15h30 : PANEL 2 – Shattered Mirror : Resonance and turns of right-wing and populists parties in Baltic and Central Europe since the invasion of Ukraine
Discussant : Jean-Yves CAMUS (Fondation Jean Jaurès)
Lea XAILLY (Inalco/CREE) – “PiS’s rhetorical adjustments in the face of the war in Ukraine”
Louis WIERENGA (Baltic Defence College/Johann Skytte Institute) – “Nativist Principled Realism: The role of nativism and national strategy vs. domestic politics in radical right foreign policy”
15h30-16h00 : Pause café
– 16h00-18h00 : PANEL 3 – Unexpected allies? : The Western Far-Right and the war in Ukraine (FR,It, Ger)
Discutant : Piret EHIN (University of Tartu/Johann Skytte Institute)
Marta LORIMER (London School of Economics and Political Science/European Institute) – “Unlikely supporters? Giorgia Meloni, Brothers of Italy and the war in Ukraine”
Adrien NONJON (Inalco/CREE) – “A House Divided? : Assessing the outcome of war in Ukraine in the French far right”
Laura WOLTERS (Hamburger Institut für Sozialforschung) – “Putin-critical patriots, Europeans-in-between, and fighters in the culture war: The German radical right and the war in Ukraine”
18h00 : Conclusions
Cocktail de clôture
Organisateurs :
- Katerina Kesa (Inalco, CREE)
- Adrien Nonjon (Inalco, CREE)
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
cree (30 novembre 2023). Workshop – The Radical Right in Europe: Reactions, Adaptations and Political Strategies in the Context of the war in Ukraine. Carnets Russie-Europes-Eurasie. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse