Table ronde : “Kazakhstan’s foreign policy guidelines in the conditions of global instability”
Le Centre de Recherches Europes-Eurasie-CREE (Inalco) a l’honneur de vous inviter à la Table ronde : “Kazakhstan’s foreign policy guidelines in the conditions of global instability”.
Avec :
- Alisher Abdreshev, lead expert, Department of European and American Studies
He is engaged in the analysis and research of the role of Russia in global politics. His papers are devoted to the pospects of Kazakh-Russian cooperation, key trends in Russia’s domestic policy, analysis of intra-elite contradictions within Russia.
Institution : Kazakhastan Institute for Strategic Studies (under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan)
Organisation :
Catherine POUJOL (CREE – Inalco)
Assen SLIM (CREE – Inalco)
Contact :
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
cree (26 mars 2023). Table ronde : “Kazakhstan’s foreign policy guidelines in the conditions of global instability”. Carnets Russie-Europes-Eurasie. Consulté le 24 janvier 2025 à l’adresse